I’ve been asked many times to make Kemper Player versions of my rigs and profiles. It took me some time, but now they’re available ! Except a few new rigs I just made with three Synergy modules that I forgot to profile (Friedman DS, Fryette Deliverance and Bogner Uberschall), these are all from my existing Kemper rig packs, with the tweaks needed to ensure they’ll work fine in the regular Kemper Player (Level II & III upgrades not needed). I also tweaked most of them with pro monitors and headphones that I didn’t have when I first released them for the Kemper, so there are some sound improvements too !
This time, instead of selling packs with hundreds of rigs from different amps, I made smaller packs, at smaller prices. Note that if they’re for the Kemper Player, they’re also compatible with the bigger Kemper/Kemper Stage !
Some amps, like the Synergy BB, Synergy TDLx or the Mesa Boogie Lonestar, were profiled with OD/drive pedals. The Mesa Lonestar have the most profiles made that way, with pedals like KingTone The Duellist, Vemuram Jan Ray, JHS Andy Timmons signature overdrive and some classi Boss pedals…
A few packs also have DI profiles, although I prefer to profile with a cab (I make my own IRs and use them for that), as the real art, for me, is in pairing the amp and the cab.
There are 3 different categories of profiles/rigs :
1) Tube amp heads or combos, captured with a Two Notes Captor X or Suhr Reactive Load IR, using my custom impulse responses :
Bogner Atma (34 rigs) € 5,90
Blackstar HT-20R (9 rigs) € 2,90
Bugera 333XL Infinium (12 rigs) € 3,90
PRS MT15 (14 rigs) € 3,90
Soldano SLO 30 (12 rigs) € 3,90
Diezel Herbert (22 rigs) € 4,90
ENGL Retro Tube 50 (31 rigs) € 5,90
EVH 5150 III (28 rigs) € 5,90
Friedman Runt 20 (28 rigs) € 5,90
Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister DLX 20 (19 rigs) € 4,90
Marshall JVM410 (36 rigs) € 5,90
Mesa Boogie MK V 35w (54 rigs) € 7,90
Mesa Lonestar (101 rigs) € 11,90
Mesa Triple Crown 50w (116 rigs inc. 27 DI profiles) € 11,90
2) Synergy modules, also captured with a Two Notes Captor X or Suhr Reactive Load IR, using my custom impulse responses. The tube power amp was either the one from my Mesa MKV 35w head, a Synergy SYN 5050 poweramp, or the Synergy SYN-30 tube amp.
SYN Bogner Ecstasy (27 rigs) € 5,90
SYN Bogner Uberschall (12 rigs) € 3,90
SYN Diezel VH4 (12 rigs) € 3,90
SYN ENGL Powerball (22 rigs) € 4,90
SYN ENGL Savage (9 rigs) € 2,90
SYN Friedman BEBB (36 rigs including 9 DI profiles) € 6,90
SYN Friedman Dirty Shirley (14 rigs) € 2,90
SYN Fryette Pittbull Ultralead (38 rigs) € 6,90
SYN Fryette Deliverance (14 rigs) € 2,90
SYN Morgan AC (17 rigs) € 3,90
SYN OS (19 rigs) € 4,90
SYN Plexi (23 rigs including 7 DI profiles) € 4,90
SYN Soldano SLO (19 rigs including 7 DI profiles) € 4,90
SYN TDLx (23 rigs) € 4,90
SYN Vai signature (26 rigs) € 4,90
3) Axe-Fx III presets (112 rigs) € 11,90
Don’t disregard these ! I’m one of the most popular presets programmer for the Axe-Fx III ; the presets I profiled for the Kemper are all from my commercial packs, and all my essential tones are here. 26 of these rigs are brand new, as the profiles were made with the latest firmware as of today, version 27.01.
All the packs are also available in a full bundle, for the very special price of 99 euros instead of 167 euros. With the full bundle, you’ll also receive a few bonus rigs from these amps, not available for purchase : Tone King Gremlin (3 rigs), Victory V130 The Countess (8 rigs, clean channel only), Synergy SYN-30 (6 rigs from the clean channel of this combo made to load the modules), and Synergy IICP (3 rigs from the clean channel).