This pack has 111 acoustic simulation presets and 110 IRs for the Fractal Audio FM3 with firmware 1.05 and above. The idea was to use as many different electric guitars/pickups as possible and make acoustic simulation presets for each of them.
I used 5 different acoustic guitar sounds sources to make this pack (+ 2 more for some presets), so for each instrument (like a Fender Stratocaster in neck position), there are five different presets, each using a specific IR made from one of the five acoustic sources. Each preset also has 6 scenes with various effects activated.
Guitars and pickups used :
Fender Stratocaster Ltd edition HSS (1 : neck, 2 : bridge+middle)
Fender Stratocaster with Fishman Fluence pickups (1 : neck, 2 : bridge+middle)
Fender Telecaster Baja with DiMarzio pickups, middle position (bridge + neck)
Epiphone Les Paul with Gibson ’57/Super ’57 pickups (middle position, no split)
Gibson SG Standard HP 2018 with 57 Classic/Super 57 Classic (middle position, no split)
Ibanez J Custom RG8540 with DiMarzio Air Norton (neck position)
Ibanez RGR5220 with Bare Knuckle Brute Force pickups (1 : both humbuckers, 2 : both split)
Tom Anderson Angel with H3+/SC1 pickup combination (no split)
Suhr Standard Pro S2 with ML and Doug Aldritch picukps (1 : neck, 2 : bridge+middle)
Musicman Majesty (middle position, both split) – for those who have that guitar without the piezo !
Harley Benton ES-335 type guitar (middle position, no split)
PRS Paul’s Guitar (middle position, no split)
Strandberg Original 7 with Fishman Fluence pickups (middle position, no split)
Line 6 Variax JTV89 with DiMarzio Norton/LiquiFirepickups (middle position, no split) – there’s also presets for the Stratocaster, Telecaster and acoustic models of the Variax ; not a fan of the acoustic model, I wanted to make it much better.
This guitars selection should cover most needs. Of course, you can try a preset made for another guitar with yours. Careful, if you try a preset made for a dark Les Paul with a bright Strat type guitar, the amount of treble may hurt your ears !
Here’s some demos from the Axe-Fx III versions of this pack :
Hans-Peter Lamprecht
is the FM3 acoustic pack compatible to FX III or vice versa?
If not does FracTool convert the IR’s to the ohter product. Background I want to avoid to buy the same product to different platforms.
Best regards
P.S. I am looking forward to come back to Mauritius in Novemeber this year. I have been to this beautiful island in 2011, 2016 and 2019.
FM3 version is compatible with Axe-Fx III but if I recall well, Axe-Fw III version is not with FM3. Sorry, I can’t check, I’m travelling for a few days. But what I know is that the Axe-Fx III version is slightly better because of features not available in the FM3 (like smoothing in the cab block, which I used a lot).
Let me know next time you’re in Mauritius !