The presets I use with my covers bands, with which I play classic rock/pop/heavy rock/metal. Key word here is versatility : these 84 presets (*) & 32 IRs, for FRFR systems, covers all the sonic territories inside my comfort zone – clean tones, mid & high gain, special effects, drones… Most are general purpose presets, and some are song specific (we play songs by U2, Metallica, Alter Bridge, Yes, Guns’n’Roses, Scorpions, Megadeth, Europe, Iron Maiden, Soundgarden, Linkin Park, Dire Straits, Van Halen, Deep Purple, Queen, Breaking Benjamin, Puddle of Mud etc.).
(*) there are 90 presets for version 8.00 of the pack
They will work with a variety of guitars but are optimized for superstrats with a humbucker in bridge and neck, and a single coil in the middle. I usually use position 4 of the pickup selector (middle single coil pickup + split bridge humbucker) for the clean and crunch presets, and the bridge or neck humbuckers for mid to high gain. A Les Paul guitar was used for “brothers in Arms” and “Firth of fifth”.

Here’s some demos recorded for the Axe-Fx III version :

The sounds from from this pack are really good.However some of the presets won’t play as the cab block remains without any IR.Loading a IR of choice fixes the issue.FM3 firmware 4.01.
All the user IRs needed for this pack are included, you just need to install them all – it’s in the PDF 😉
stephane CHARDES
Genial comme toujours, merci pour ce super travail 😉