NDSP Quad Cortex – Amps captures & templates
Amp Captures Full Bundle 69.99 euros instead of 102.9 euros. The Pink Floyd pack, and the Pedals pack, are not included.
The following packs has an extensive collection of Amp captures : Mesa Boogie Lonestar, Triple Crown and MK V 35, Friedman Runt, PRS MT15, a modded Marshall JVM410, Diezel Herbert, EVH 5150 III, Peavey Investive, Soldano SLO 30, Victory V30 The Jack MK II, my collection of Synergy modules, and last but not least, my favorite custom Axe-Fx III presets (Amp+cab+EQ). All captures were made with a Suhr IR or Torpedo Captor X loadbox, using my custom IRs.
To make the downloads (and the audition) faster, each pack has a few presets with only captures (+ a reverb block) in it. Each of these presets has up to 12 captures. Each pack also has a few “template” presets, with some of the pack’s captures. Those kitchen sink presets uses 8 scenes, with various effects, and often complex parameter changes among those various scenes.
Included packs :
Fremen’s Modeler Essentials
32 captures of my go-to presets from my favorite amp modeler. These are the ones I use the most live. Included are 7 clean amps, 1 acoustic simulation, 12 Mesa Boogie amps, and boutique, AC30 type, Friedman and Engl amps. Included, 4 Template presets using various captures and effects. One of these templates is for U2 songs. All were captured with my custom IRs.

Marshall JVM410
39 captures of a modded Marshall JVM 410 head, including all channels and modes. Included, 1 Template preset using various captures and effects.

Mesa Boogie Lonestar
61 captures of a Mesa Boogie Lonestar head using various pedals – KingTone The Duellist, Vemuram Jan Ray, Rockfabrik Mind Abuse, Wampler Tumnus Deluxe, EVH 5150 Overdrive, Boss DS1 & Metal Zone, JHS Andy Timmons signature overdrive, Earthquaker Devices Plumes, ProCo Rat II, TC Electronic Magus Pro, Maxon Sonic Distortion, EHX Big Muff Nano, Way Huge Russian Pickle… Of course, I also captured the pure tone of both channels. Included, 1 Template preset using various captures and effects.

Rock & Metal bundle 1
26 captures : Mesa Boogie MK V 35w (10), Mesa Boogie Triple Crown 50w (16). Included, 2 Template presets using various captures and effects.

Rock & Metal bundle 2
20 captures : Diezel Herbert (6), PRS MT 15 (8), Friedman Runt 20 (6). The Friedman has been modded with a Hot Mod V2 Evo preamp tube, which doubles the gain while keeping the tone the same. Included, 2 Template presets using various captures and effects.

Rock & Metal bundle 3
30 captures : EVH 5150 III LBX (16), Peavey Invective 20 (14). Two versions of the EVH 5150 III LBX were captured : version 1 (original blue and red channels of the 50 w version), version 2 (green channel of the 50w version, and a “gainier” blue channel). Included, 2 Template presets using various captures and effects.

Rock & Metal bundle 4
25 captures : Soldano SLO 30 (15), Victory V30 The Jack MKII (10). Included, 2 Template presets using various captures and effects.

Synergy bundle 1
28 captures from various Synergy modules : Friedman BE/BB (5), Friedman Dirty Shirley (3), Synergy Plexi (3), Engl Powerball (7), Engl Savage (4), Fryette Deliverance (3), Fryette Pittbull (3). Included, 3 Template presets using various captures and effects.

Synergy Bundle 2
28 captures : Morgan AC (5), Synergy TDlx (5), Synergy OS (10), Soldano SLO (8). The TDlx is Sygergy’s version of two classic Fender amps, the Tweed and the Deluxe. The OS is a clone of the famous Dumble Overdrive Special. All captures were made with a Synergy 5050 poweramp into a Suhr IR or Torpedo Captor X loadbox, using my custom IRs. Included, 4 Template presets using various captures and effects. One of these templates is for U2 songs.

Synergy Bundle 3
26 captures : Bogner XTC (7), Bogner Uber (2), Diezel VH4 (3), Synergy IICP (6), Synergy Vai (8). The IICP is Synergy’s version of a Mesa Boogie MKII amp. The Vai is Steve Vai’s signature module. All captures were made with a Synergy 5050 poweramp into a Suhr IR or Torpedo Captor X loadbox, using my custom IRs. Included, 3 Template presets using various captures and effects.