Presets pack for Axe-Fx II MKI/II, XL/XL+ and Quantum firmware 7.02 and up
(older firmware not supported)
EDIT 19th April 2019 : ARES 1.03 versions of the presets added.
This is a collection of not less than 90 presets, from 88 different amp models.
Each presets has 5 scenes with various amount of gain, from clean (scene 1) to high gain lead (scene 5)
They will work with a variety of guitars but are optimized for superstrats with a humbucker in bridge and single coils. I made sure that the sound stays clean with bridge humbuckers (DiMarzio The Breed and Norton, Bare Knuckle Holydiver) on scene 1, even with amp models made for high gain.
I used an Ibanez RG to tweak them and plays with position 4 of the pickup selector (middle single coil pickup + splitted bridge humbucker) for the first three scenes, and the bridge humbucker for scenes 4 and 5.
These presets uses mostly stock cabs, but also 16 user cabs, which I made from free sources and various techniques like tone matching. All those cabs are included and must be installed at the user spots indicated by their names (see video, link below).
Here’s my user cabs list: Fremen_user_cabs_(02.04.2017)
A few are my personal mixes of cabs from, who gave me permission to share them with my presets. Check their cabs here :
Here’s a small “making of” video:

Check this video for the presets and cabs installation procedure:

Francesco Fiorentini
Hi, is it possibile use this pack live without tweaking or is it for recording?
Thank You
Hi Francesco, it’s for live more than for recording.
Francesco Fiorentini
Thanks Sir
karim djinah
Est il possible d’integrer Ce pack directement a l axe fx 2 à la place des presets d origines et ce afin de pouvoir les utiliser en live sans avoir à emporter de laptop ?
Heuuuuuuu c’est le principe même du Axe fx et de tous les presets qu’on envoie dedans !
Are these a free update or do i have to purchase again, dont think you had this site running when i last purchased???
Free update for the Quantum 7.02 pack, which was available on my blog through e-junkie before I launched my website
Mark Cisneros
Every time I download and try to unzip this one from my Mega Pack collection I found it says “Do you want to copy this folder without encryption?” A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
I do notice it says _MACOSX and I am using a PC.
That’s strange, no one else reported something like this to me… is it a .zip or .rar file ?