All my Axe-Fx II preset Packs for only 99 euros instead of 145 euros. For Quantum 7.02 firmware, update for Quantum 9.04 also included. Updates will always be free.
Modeler: Axe-Fx II
Price: €99.00
All my Axe-Fx II preset Packs for only 99 euros instead of 145 euros. For Quantum 7.02 firmware, update for Quantum 9.04 also included. Updates will always be free.
This is a digital download : no refund even in case of buying by mistake. Reselling/sharing the pack is illegal : this licensed product is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. This licensed product is licensed, not sold.
After purchase, the files will be available in the “My Account” section of These files are in a .zip compressed archive. PC users can use Winrar, Winzip or 7zip to extract them. Popular tools for MAC users are Stuffit Expander, Unrar x or The Unarchiver. Most computers already have tools for that, and most of these applications are free.
Bonjour je suis très intéressé par ce pack, mais je voudrais savoir si il est compatible avec l’axe fx 2 mark 2
Bonjour ! Oui, il y a des sous-dossiers pour le Mark I/II d’un côté, et la version XL de l’autre.
I picked up a used Axe Fx II with firmware Ares 2.0. Was thinking of picking up your Mega Packs collection. You previous posts indicate that your presets have been updated to Ares 1.03 but not beyond that. Just wondering if these presets will work with this firmware?
Thanks for your help.
Hi, absolutely. I didn’t update because ARES 2.0 didn’t affect my presets !
Mark Cisneros
I just checked and it says Q10.01 for the amp packs.
Were they updated as well to Ares 1?
Hello, yes, they all have been updated to ARES 1.03
Mark Cisneros
Good to hear since you have some really cool amp packs 🙂
Mark Cisneros
Actually, I might just buy an amp pack since I believe the XL+ amp packs were updated to Ares 2.0.
Mark Cisneros
Will you be updating these presets to the Ares 2.0 firmware?
The Q10 was great but the amp tones/feel really changed a lot in Ares.
Have a GREAT weekend!!
Hi Mark, they are updated to ARES 1 and it didn’t change enough in ARES 2 to justify an update… I sold my XL+ so I would need to borrow one to make such an update
Mark Cisneros
I’ll go through the Ares 1 presets for the XL+ later tonight so I can determine what packs to get for the AXE FX III or FM3.
Have a GREAT week!!
david Chauveau
Bonjour, le méga packs est il compatible avec le fw Ares 2?
Bonjour, oui, absolument !
nelson cedeño
nelson cedeño
hey i just download a megapack and i have a axe fx 2 xl butt the presets dosent sound the app is saing that its ok but dosent sound help pleas
Hello, you need to install the user cabs, please follow the instructions in the pack
Mark Cisneros
I noticed you mentioned bass presets.
Could you send me them as well? 🙂
Mark Cisneros
I am still blown away at how much fun I can have with “these” presets 🙂
Thanks Mark 🙂
new small packs are coming, I just finished two months of work on them.
I want “bass presets”. Please
I just sent you a mail with presets !
Hello, is there a preset for BASS on this too?
Hello, no but if you get it I can send you my go to bass presets
Thank you. Since I changed from kemper to Ax, I will buy this “MEGAPACK” (^ ^)
I like this “MEGAPACCK” very much.
I tried it all with enormous but …(^_^.)
Ricardo Carvalho
I’ve bough this pack and I’d like to ask you if there are some custom scales to be set in order to use some patches that Pitch is set as custom scale. Thanks!
Ricardo Carvalho
Ops… I found it on attached document! Thanks!
yes, details are on the “Fremen’s picks” page
mike lafontaine
They r the best preset In the world ❤️
Ricardo Carvalho
Hi! Are you ok?
Well, I´ve bought some of your preset packs (Axe-Fx II – Acoustic Simulation and Metal & Brit pack – Axe-Fx II) some time ago and I intent to buy more packs, because your presets are excellente!
So, I´d like to know if I want to buy the Axe-Fx II Megapack, I will have some discount, once I´ve bought part of this pack.
Thanks a lot and congratulation for your great work!
Hello, yes you’ll get a discount, contact me by email
Ricardo Carvalho
I tryed to send you a message using the contact form of your site, but I didn´t know if you received it!
Btw, What´s your e-mail adress?
Thank you again!
Hello, I didn’t receive it. thibderob at yahoo dot fr
How to install Mega Pack completely (510 presets) in XL +? Is this possible?
Hi! When will the Mega Pack Q9.04 completely? Can’t wait to hear)
Already done
Presets can be converted to XL +?
Purchased presets from Mark 2 will suit XL +, if I change Mark 2 to XL +?
There are forlders for MKI users, and folders for XL users, so yes
Thank you !
Great! And how to load in Mark 2? Put instead of factory presets and cabinets? Unfortunately there are no free cells in Mark 2
MKI versions are included too, you shouldn’t worry. Send me a message on my mail if you have further questions