The original version of this package had 175 presets (both individual files and into two setlists for quicker loading) + 25 user IRs. Now there are more than 200 presets (not counting the “Rhythm Guitar player” version of the Pink Floyd ones). Latest firmware version included : 3.15 (added : September 2022), + a few bonus presets for firmware 3.60, using the new cabs (all my presets uses my custom IRs, which I prefer).
My presets are first and foremost a very big collection of amp/cab tones, effects are a bonus. There’s also a few, like the ambient ones, U2 or Pink Floyd presets etc. in which the effects settings are equally important. They are intended to cover various genres, from classic rock to metal through pop and fusion. Some of them uses snapshots, again, check the .xls file for details.
Also included is a collection of metal presets meant to be used for recording, so they’re brighter than what I normally use. I used a DI track from one metal song I recorded to tweak them. However they probably have a little more bass than needed but I like that for playing with them. In a mix, I’ll cut the lows some more.
One of the highlights of this pack are the Pink Floyd presets. I play in a Pink Floyd cover band so I took special care with these sounds ! The dedicated Pink Floyd pack ( ) has more songs, and 3 different versions (for HSS guitars, SSS guitars, and Line 6 Variax), but the presets included here are also updated to firmware 3.15, with revised amp and effects settings.

Here’s two videos with firmware 3.15 versions of the presets :

User cabs (IRs)
My presets have been tweaked with my user IRs, there’s no way they would sound like intended if you don’t load them (see the screenshot, “Fremen user IRs”). All my IRs are custom creations made with various free sources, or no source at all, and various techniques like tone matching. As with any presets using IRs or a cab block, they are made for FRFR systems/studio monitors/direct to FOH.
Jürgen Karr
I just bought the Line 6 Hx Stomp – 4 Packs Bundle and assumed the Pink Floyd presets are in as well. Now I’m a little disappointed because we play some Pink Floyed songs in our band too :(. Wasn’t clear to me because some U2 songs are considered.
Jürgen Karr
Hi, Thanks for your help and your great work. Looking forward for your 3.5 updates and bonus presets.
Jürgen Karr
I was wondering if you guys are going to offer an update for the helix stomp, which is very welcome with the new 3.5 update. I there something in planning or better already in work.
Thanks in advance from Germany
The Big Pack presets are they compatible with Helix LT ?
Thank you for your feedback.
Hi, absolutely!
Awesome tones… best 50 bucks I’ve spent since buying the Helix
Ciao, ho comprato il big pack nel 2019, leggo che lo hai aggiornato al 3.10, come posso fare per aggiornarlo? E’ possibile?
Grazie mille
Hello, yes, just re-download the file from “Purchase history”
Do you consider Presets update after helix 3.1 update? I bought today Bigpack and I have updated helix rack into 3,1 ver.
I just updated the Pink Floyd presets to 3.10. However, the basis of this pack is firmware 2.10
I uploaded your presets to 3,1 rack and I was disappointed about sound quality. Is that why post that question. But after few hours I turned on helix and have got into on screen presets updating in progress to 3,1 helix system. And then I tried again and I must say is huge difference now after this strange for me situation. Plexi setup just blown my mind. Tomorrow will test the test of presets. Greetings
Cardona Stéphane
J’ai cracké pour ton pack juste une question sur quel type de cab tu sors ton hélix un powercab Line 6 ou Headrush frfr112 etc ….ou autre
Cool Stéphane ! Non, j’utilise des Atomic CLR
Will your Helix patches work on ver. 3.01.0?
Hi, absolutely
Hi, is there a chance to buy a smaller Pink Floyd pack? Because today, I would on need The Wall pt1 and pt2?
Unfortunately, it’s not possible, however I can sell the Pink Floyd pack separately for 25 euros
Hi Fremen,
This looks awesome! my Helix LT arrives tomorrow and I’m a complete Newbie to this unit but I’ve followed your tutorials and can’t wait to test it out. I’ll be buying the big pack tomorrow. One question.. in each preset is it possible to switch between parts ( eg solo1, solo2, verse etc) by using the footswitches? Forgive me if this is a stupid question!
Hi Matty, not in each preset, but in most of them, yes. You need to be in “Snapshot mode” for that – it’s the best way to use the Helix for me, my Helix is in 8 Snapshots mode
Hi….nice job ….is this package also for Helix LT ??
Thank you ! Yes, it’s compatible with the Floor version, the LT version, and Native
It worked! thanx!!!!!!
Dou mean the HX editor? What is the latest version of the editor?
Yes, HX Editor ; not sure for the version though
I also checked on the already earlier installed patches on the helix; there is nothing strange with…when I change over to one of your patches it switches to your patch on the helix but the information on my computer stays with the former patch.
Are you using 2.91 and the latest version of the editor ?
Yesterday I bought the big pack and now I am trying to import the IR’s. I imported the IR’s to my helix but the slots go back to empty….What did I do wrong? I already updated my Helix to firmware 2.91…..
Hello, did you extract the files in a folder first ? You can’t load them in the helix directly from the zip file
Off course I extracted them first; something else is strange; I can’t see the overview of the several items in the chain…? I looks empty on my computer whilst on the helix it is ok……
Yesterday I bought the big pack….really amazing!
Is there a simply way to boost the presets a (little) up without effecting the tone?
Hello, thank you ! Yes, just boost the level in the output block
Any changes with version 2.90?
Hello, no. I will use 2.90 in my next pack
But it will work……?
Of course ! presets are not affected by new firmware
Hi Thibault! First of all, great work on your presets! I love them all! I bought the big pack a few years ago and have been running my helix on 2.0. I want to update it but I am worried about the pack having issues. Will I run into any problems with the update? Is there any way I can get the upgraded big pack? Thank you.
Hi Dave, no problem at all! You just need to download the zip file again in Purchase History. Cheers
Great! I found the old ejunkie link. Just use that? Will I get the additional presets? My purchase history on this site is blank. Thanks.
absolutely, e-junkie has the updated version too
Awesome! Thank you so much!
stephane CHARDES
Juste un petit mot pour te remercier de la qualité de ce pack, des presets magnifiques, toutes les sonorités sont exploitables !
Je viens juste de m’acheter un Helix et franchement avec ces presets, c’est un outil magique pour le guitariste que je suis.
Les IR apportent un énorme “Plus” sur chaque preset. Je ne regrette pas mon achat, vraiment pas.
Bonne année 2020.
Merci Stéphane ! 🙂
Trent Heinrich
I purchased the Big Pack awhile ago and noticed today you updated the pack. If I wanted to update, should I use the same link in my purchase history to get the update?
Hi There, I’ve purchased your Helix big pack back in 2019, I use a strat with EMG DG20 pickups, just have to say the sound is astounding. your presets are the best IMO. Is it possible you have a preset for Coming back to life, from pulse era? if so would I be able to purchase it? and any other floyd presets you may have :). Cheers
Hi, thanks ! I will add Coming back to life at some point, I’m currently busy with other presets for different processors 🙂